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Zen Center of Georgia


Mar 22-12 Zazenkai - Aikido Center, Avondale Estates, Ga.
May 11-17 Dai-Sesshin - Korinji Monastery, Madison, WI.
(contact Korinji )
Jun 08-14 Dai-Sesshin - Korinji Monastery, Madison, WI.
(contact Korinji )
Jun 20-22 Sesshin - Daiyuzenji, Chicago, Il.
(contact Daiyuzenji )
Jul 06-12 Dai-Sesshin - Korinji Monastery, Madison, WI.
(contact Korinji )
Sep 13-13 Hojo Workshop 12:00-5:00 PM - Daiyuzenji, Chicago, Il.
(contact Daiyuzenji )
Oct 11-11 Shodo and Meditation Workshop 12:00-5:00 PM - Daiyuzenji, Chicago, Il.
(contact Daiyuzenji )
Dec 04-07 Rohatsu Sesshin - Daiyuzenji, Chicago, Il.
(contact Daiyuzenji )
Nov 02-08 Dai-Sesshin - Korinji Monastery, Madison, WI.
(contact Korinji )
Dec 01-08 Rohatsu Dai-Sesshin - Korinji Monastery, Madison, WI.
(contact Korinji)

See Calendar for event details

Sesshin and Zazenkai

The Zen Center of Georgia offers zazenkai several times a year. Our parent organization, Daiyuzenji, and an associated monastery, Korinji Monastery, offers two types of meditation retreats: zazenkai and sesshin.

Zazenkai literally means "a gathering for meditation." Zazenkai are short retreats, from six to twenty-four hours, allowing participants to do more concentrated meditation practice. Zazenkai are held by Zen Center of Georgia four to six times a year and by Daiyuzenji and Korinji once every month, generally starting on a Saturday evening.

The suggested donation for Zazenkai is $40.00. However, no one will be excluded for inability to donate.

Sesshins are residential retreats and are the most intensive and demanding practice in traditional Zen training. Sesshins are held by Daiyuzenji, or the Korinji Monastery, in Illinois or Wisconsin, respectively. Beginning very early each morning and lasting until late in the evening, each day of sesshin is filled with activity: meditation, work periods, chanting, calligraphy practice, and other methods of Zen practice. The intention of sesshin is to completely focus and unify mind and body. The schedule itself forces participants to go deeper and to face themselves clearly without distraction.

Sesshin is an unparalled opportunity for you to discover who and what you really are... and to emerge with a new strength and insight which can change your way of thinking and living.

During sesshin, all meals (vegetarian) are provided. Participants are expected to sleep at the sesshin location.

Sesshin is conducted several times a year under the guidance of one or more of our teachers: Tesshin Brand Roshi or Meido Moore Roshi. Other priests and senior students also provide guidance at sesshin. Though a challenge for anyone, beginners may expect to be supported with constant instruction and encouragement at sesshin.

Sesshin pictures.

Residency Program at Korinji

The Korinji Monastery offers a monastic residency program.

Korinji conducts a traditional Zen monastic schedule consisting of two annual training periods (ango) of approximately four-months duration each, and with a one-week sesshin (dai-sesshin) each month.

Short- or long-term residence at Korinji is open to a small number of persons determined to undertake this kind of intensive Buddhist practice. No gender is excluded. Laypersons, ordained persons, as well as those wishing to train toward Zen ordination are welcome.

Please note that Korinji functions as a senmon dojo (that is, a rigorous training monastery) rather than a more casual retreat center or meditation "resort".

If you are interested in residing at Korinji short- or long-term for Zen monastic practice, you can reach out for more information here: Korinji contact page

We accept donations which are tax deductible under IRS Tax code 501(c)(3).